Lai Wah Knitters provides customers with quality products and services, while offering competitive prices and reliable deliveries.
What we do
Working with well known fashion labels, established importers, wholesalers, mail-order houses and large department stores in Europe, Lai Wah Knitters manufactures women, men and children knitwear fashion apparel as well as knitted accessories, from fine gauge to hand knit in any yarn variations.
What we offer
Our house collection of 200 to 300 styles is newly created every season, offering our customers styling ideas, qualities and knitting techniques in line with the newest international fashion trends.
We additionally source seasonal accessories and trimmings, as well as new printing-dyeing
and embroidery techniques.
Our yarn department sources a comprehensive seasonal yarn collection from Italy, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong.
Our sampling facilities comprise skilled and experienced technicians producing up to 1,000 prototypes per season and over 10,000 salesman samples.
Our merchandising team is highly capable of handling our customer's requests for quick turnaround on complicated items.
Our production lead time ranges between 35 to 55 days depending on yarn availability.
Our quality control department achieves and AQL standard of 1.5 for children wear and 2.5 for adults wear.
Flat bed knitting
Fancy styles
Boiled wool
Mixed media
Printing and print effects
Garment dye, wash effects
Design and sourcing
First class merchandising